Picnic in Augsburg

Fast service instead of long waiting times

Vitaluccio Bellano, Managing Director of the trendy restaurant Picnic in Augsburg, has relied on Vectron POS systems and myVectron Cloud solutions since the Picnic opened 9 years ago, based on very good experiences in previous establishments. Six months ago, he introduced the POS M4 Pay at Picnic in addition to the stationary checkouts, because he has learnt from experience: ‘At the end of the day, customers want good service, they want to be served quickly. This also includes payment processes. Customers often wait up to 20 minutes because the EC machines are on the move, other waiters are busy with the machines and you're constantly searching for the machines.’

As a waiter at Picnic, Valentin Szantho can only support this assessment. He is happy to be able to let customers pay directly at their table with the POS M4 Pay - without having to search for the EC terminal first. He is also impressed by the operation of M4 Pay: ‘I can simply swipe to increase or decrease the number of items during the ordering process, for example. The billing with voucher cards from the bonVito customer loyalty system, which is also used, is also totally simple: ‘Simply scan in - and the payment process is complete,’ adds Szantho.



In addition to M4 Pay, myVectron in-house ordering has also recently been introduced at Picnic. ‘In-house ordering,’ Vitaluccio explains, ’is a system where the customer can order at the table themselves.’ This means they no longer have to wait to be served, but scan the QR code displayed at the table with their mobile phone, select their drinks and food and send the order directly. And - and this is important to Vitaluccio - the menus displayed on the mobile phone are directly linked to the item master of the cash register. This way they immediately show any changes to the food and prices. When the order is received, it is displayed on the POS system as if the waiter had taken the order personally and the food and drinks can be delivered directly to the table by the service team, just as the guests are used to. At Picnic, they estimate that the self-ordering system has increased sales by 15% and Vitaluccio Bellano is certain: ‘Life punishes those who sleep through innovation.’

Innovative ordering & payment solutions at Picnic in Augsburg

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